Emu Banks tops Winter Fair highest BPI

Jun 29, 2023

Emu Banks Holsteins has taken out the Highest BPI Award at the Victorian Winter Fair, for the second year in a row with Emu Banks Lambda Carly 13614.

The Balanced Performance Index (BPI) Highest Female Award was presented by DataGene in collaboration with Holstein Australia and the Winter Fair Committee.

The Balanced Performance Index (BPI) as a measure of an Australian dairy animal’s genetic merit for the combination traits that contribute to a profitable business including production, health and fertility, overall type and feed efficiency.

DataGene’s Peter Williams presents Leah Dickson with the award for the Highest BPI Female at the 2023 Victorian Winter Fair.

At just 15 months old, Lambda Carly’s genomic results provide detailed insight into her future performance. Of all the females entered in the Winter Fair, Emu Banks Lambda Carly 13614 had the top BPI calculated by DataGene in the June 2023 genetic evaluations. At BPI 402, she sits in the top 1% of Australian Holstein females.

Peter Williams, from DataGene, congratulated breeders Bryan and Jo Dickson from South West Victoria.

“Most dairy farmers want to breed cows that will have long, productive lives in their herd. To do this they need a combination of traits for profitable production and strong conformation and the genes to produce the next generation of great cows,” Peter said.

Lambda Carly’s high BPI comes from an exceptionally high Protein Australian Breeding Value (ABV) and well above average ABVs for health traits such as Cell Count, Mastitis Resistance, Daughter Fertility and Survival.

“We congratulate the Dickson family on their success in breeding outstanding cows and presenting them at the Winter Fair,” he said.

Not only does Lambda Carly have a big BPI she also performed well in the showring. Placing fourth in Class 7: Winter calf born 16/8/22 – 30/9/22 sponsored by Surefoot Cattle Mat. For more results visit https://www.facebook.com/victorianwinterfair/

For more information contact: DataGene 1800 841 848 or enquiries@datagene.com.au or www.datagene.com.au.

DataGene is an initiative of Dairy Australia and the herd improvement industry.