DataGene Centre is software for herd improvement service providers.
It is made up of 3 key components – Centre DCT, Centre Herd Recording and Centre Inventory.
Centre DCT
The DataGene Centre DCT software program operates as a bridge between Bentley and Foss milk analysis machines and the DataGene Centre Herd Recording software. It enables the results from the milk testing machines to be automatically captured and inserted into the DataGene Centre Herd Recording database. It also integrates with milk weighing machines, and sample sorting robots.
Centre Herd Recording
The DataGene Centre Herd Recording System provides software to enable a business to operate a herd recording system. It collects data from a milk testing laboratory, provides a database for maintaining herd records, and provides high quality colour reports for provision to dairy farmer clients. It also enables data to be sent to and received from on farm software packages. In some cases this data transfer is automated.
Centre Inventory
The DataGene Centre Inventory System is designed specifically to meet the needs of stock control in herd improvement centres. It copes with all the demands of managing semen stocks and providing professional AI technician services. AI records are automatically linked to cow records in the Herd Recording System if both packages are installed.
To enquire about any of the DataGene Centre software products please contact Senior Software Engineer.