Good Bulls App
Putting the power of herd improvement in the palm of your hand.
Designed in consultation with dairy farmers and advisors the Good Bulls app builds on the popular Good Bulls Guide to make building your bull team easy. With detailed ABVs on over 20,000 bulls, Good Bulls helps you to sort, filter, short list and export bulls to match your breeding objectives.
Use the Good Bulls app to:
›› Set a reminder to begin making bull choices
›› Sort bulls on Australia’s two breeding indices; Balanced Performance Index (BPI), Health Weighted Index (HWI)
›› Search for bulls from Australia and around the world
›› Refine your search using any of the 50 filters
›› View information on a bull and make bull comparisons
›› Shortlist bulls that match your preferences
›› Export individual bulls and shortlists to your advisor or supplier
The Good Bulls app is available for both iPhone and Android phones and can also be used on tablets.

Apps aids genetics research
Ebony Wilson
Region: NSW

App makes bull selection quicker and easier
Neil and Simone Jolliffe
Region: Riverina, NSW

App helps choose best traits for robotic milking
Tuckett family
Region: Western Victoria